Monday 28 December 2009

Yoga and Body Awareness

Receptors in the muscles, joints, and skin provide information about
joint positions and associated muscle activities, as well as about strength
and stretching conditions, pressure and tension, influences of temperature,
and characteristics of the skin surface. These receptors send
stimulants to the brain, which then registers and identifies the source.

Yoga for Musculoskeletal

Yoga and the Musculoskeletal System
It is obvious that yoga postures, asana, require muscular effort. The
muscle activity can be measured on different levels. A high degree of
muscle activity increases the energy exerted, resulting in greater oxygen
intake as well a higher pulse rate and more frequent breathing.
Muscles that do not exert strength on immediate activity possess tension
in the form of an elastic countermovement or tension in posture.
Measurements of pulse rate, breathing frequency, and muscle tension
for most of the well-known postures show that yoga belongs to the type
of workout with less impact. Yoga has a great influence on the body,
but with less stress on the body. Furthermore, comparisons between
experienced and inexperienced yoga students show that an economization
of muscle activity enters into play. The level of effort will be
reduced as soon as you are able to achieve a certain posture, thus enabling
more concentration when carrying out an exercise (cf. Ebert,
2003, pp. 275–285).
As your knowledge and experience grow, you will find that your
enjoyment of yoga increases. Your concentration will be enhanced,
but with less stress on your muscles. The same thing is true for your

Thursday 25 June 2009

belajar Yoga

Yoga Merupakan Salah Satu Gaya Olahraga Baru, yoga sangat bermanfaat dan sangat berguna bagi siapapun, salah satu keunikan yoga terletak pada gerakan dan kelenturan tubuh, serta pengaturan nafas yang sangat membantu orang yang melaksanakannya untuk tetap mempertahankan kondisi tubuh yang sehat dan stabil, lebih daripada itu senam yoga sangat banyak berarti untuk menenangkan fikiran dan merefresh kembali tubuh sang pesenam, gerakan yoga bisa diciptakan sendiri tergantung kreasi dan inovasi pesenammnya, meskipun sudah ada banyak gerakan yang sangat populer di dunia senam yoga,


©2009 Belajar Yoga | by TNB